Enjoy the Experience.

Friday, March 05, 2010

Tipping the Scales

I can not remember the last time I weighed 153lbs or more. I am pretty sure the last time was when I first started MTB in 1999. So the scale read 153 for me again this morning for the first time in 11 years. Hopefully this is a sign of getting stronger and not getting older. I do hit 35 this year.
Since my 100 day fail, my weeks have been looking something like this:
Ride 5-10 hours/week
Run 10-15 miles/week
Swim 1 hour a week
Lift 2 hours a week.

I actually feel like I am stronger than I have been in the last 11 years in all diciplines except riding. I still have a little ways to go. I hope if the weather ever breaks, some longer days are ahead of me. I ran 4 miles on the track the other day in 26 minutes. Nothing special, but holding a 7 minute mile is not a bad pace.
The weight lifting is probably what has cause most of the weight gain. I have been going for 2 months of 3X per week and the strength increase is noticeable. So, even if this extra 12lbs of weight slows me down on race day. Don’t talk shit. I may try to kick your ass.

1 comment:

bradp said...

Joe Pelton is so fat...


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