Enjoy the Experience.

Friday, February 05, 2010

11/100 of the way there

11 days of riding or running in a row. I am not sure if I have ever had a streak like this in my life.
Anyways, feeling sore, weak, and not recovered. All of this is good, but hopefully soon my body will become more accustom to it and some power will return. I am also thinking of modifying the rules a little to include a gym work out 2X per week to give the legs a rest and build some core.

The most frustrating part of this is that I was hoping to loose some weight from the extra days of activity. So far that is not the case. On the contrary I have gained 2 lbs. Figure that one out. I am pushing 149, 10lbs over any reasonable racing weight. But since I am not racing, I guess it really does not matter.


Toby Porter said...

Settle down tiger. Once the heat hits the lbs will melt away.

ExtrmTao said...

You are probably burning fat but also gaining more muscle. Weight isn't always the indicator you want to shoot for. . . I still have 40 lbs more to carry than you!! We want 5 checkpoints this year! Top ten fo sho.


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