Enjoy the Experience.

Thursday, April 07, 2011

Gear Inches

“They Say” going SS is simple. Maybe in some ways, but it also complicates things especially if you live in the middle. During a typical week I can ride anywhere from Charleston to Columbia and if I am lucky I will make it to Dupont or Pisgah. This variety of elevation change makes it labor intensive to ride only SS. The optimum gear for these locations is drastically different. So my primary bike is now a 7 speed with a 40x 11-25. This gives me a gear inch range of 96-43 and is good for just about anything. But if I am going to do a specific event or ride I prefer to have the SS and almost always I get caught up in what gear to run. So now that I am using Garmin Connect and I track elevation per mile of most of my local trails, I have theorized that you can plot this information and graph the gear that would best suit you for that location. Even better, if you are going some place you have never been, you can search that trail system, get the Elev/mile and then plot it on your graph for an educated guess.

This is what my graph looks like:

Yeap, I am a Dork!

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