Enjoy the Experience.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Well if the riding sucks,

then the drinking must compensate.
It never fails that after a good mountain ride, I find it hard to find motivation to ride the same ole, same ole. Logan has also been requesting 2 – 3 rides per week which only leaves 1 – 2 selfish ride times available if any weekly chores are actually going to get done. So to compensate for the lack of spectacular riding, I have started some spectacular drinking. It really is not spectacular, but it sounds good.
This past week I have sampled 4 new craft beers and this is my opinion of them.
1. Hop Wallop by Victory. http://www.victorybeer.com/hop_wallop.aspx
Just as the name implies, a lot of hops. Very bitter, but refreshing. This was my least favorite of the bunch, but worth trying. The price for a 6 pack was something like $11.
2. Hop Devil by Victory. http://www.victorybeer.com/hopdevil.aspx
Not nearly as hoppy as the Wallop, but just enough for a good summer beer. It ranks 3rd of the 4 beers, but also worth trying. Pricing is similar to Hop Wallop.
3. Loose Cannon by Heavy Seas. http://www.ccbeer.com/beerlist/Heavy+Seas
This beer is now one of my favorites. It has a great taste with a lot of hoppiness, but not overwhelming. The % of alcohol is high enough to justify the $9.99 price tag for a six pack and it can easily be found at the local Publix supermarket. This one I highly recommend.
4. Arrogant Bastard Ale by Stone Brewing Company. http://www.stonebrew.com/arrogantbastard/index.php
This beer ranks in my top 10. The taste is excellent, alcohol content is good, and the marketing is super. The cap says something to the effect of, Hated by many, loved by some”. Put a few of these back and I could easily become an arrogant bastard. The only down side to the beer is price. At $16 a six pack and $4 a 22oz, they are proud of this brew. But Damn it is good!

Disclaimer: I know nothing about beer brewing, tasting, or rating. I am only proficient at consuming. Therefore the comments above only reflect my opinion, which is worth less than the time you spent reading this.


spokejunky said...

If you can find it try Foret by Brasserie Dupont. It's a Belgian Saison that comes in a corked big a$$ bottle. One is all you'll need.

ExtrmTao said...

HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA, I helped turn you into a beer snob!!!

However, your not allowed to be a trail snob 8-)


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